Here’s another video lesson from my Task 2 planning series. Follow this video and the practice in here to improve your ability to think of good ideas for IELTS Task 2 writing.
Reader Interactions
joby thomas
I found these videos really helpful. I am a nurse and working in Dubai now. I wrote IELTS 8 times earlier and preparing for 9th attempt. Recently my scores were L-7,R-7,W-6.5 AND S-7. I was getting low scores for speaking all the time.6.5. my writing score were always 7/7.5 .But after improving my speaking skills writing score got low. Could you add a video which explains about the types of essays and some model answers of different types. Thank you somuch
Hello dear you may apply for THE UK NHS because they have reduced point 5 for the writing section you may go to the NMC Website and make sure because they are accepting 7 in 3 sections and 6.5 in writing. Good luck.!
Currently, i am taking IELTS preparation course and expect to get band score above 7.
I’ve found that writing eassy is very hard for me, so how can i get improved my writing skills?
Hi there! Thanks for putting this video up. I used to teach the General Paper for the GCE ‘A’ levels and am now finding out more about teaching writing for IELTS. Based on my background, it seems like your current essay plan answers the question ‘What are the different solutions to encourage recycling’ rather than ‘To what extent are laws required to encourage recycling’. I feel that you have listed the different solutions rather than evaluated HOW FAR laws can work vs other social/ psychological solutions.
But of course, I am not familiar with the marking schemes for IELTS writing, perhaps the requirements are different.
Sorry so I guess my purpose for commenting is, whether based on your experience, do IELTS markers pay close attention to these key terms such as ‘How Far’ and ‘To what extent’, or are you not required to evaluate as long as you respond to the topic? Thanks.
I found these videos really helpful. I am a nurse and working in Dubai now. I wrote IELTS 8 times earlier and preparing for 9th attempt. Recently my scores were L-7,R-7,W-6.5 AND S-7. I was getting low scores for speaking all the time.6.5. my writing score were always 7/7.5 .But after improving my speaking skills writing score got low. Could you add a video which explains about the types of essays and some model answers of different types. Thank you somuch
Hi Joby! I’m glad they’ve been helpful. I’ll definitely put together a video about the different essay types 🙂
Hello dear you may apply for THE UK NHS because they have reduced point 5 for the writing section you may go to the NMC Website and make sure because they are accepting 7 in 3 sections and 6.5 in writing. Good luck.!
Hi Fatima. Do you have any idea if this new requirement only for NMC or for GMC as well? Many thanks.
Pleased to watch your video thanx
Currently, i am taking IELTS preparation course and expect to get band score above 7.
I’ve found that writing eassy is very hard for me, so how can i get improved my writing skills?
Hi there! Thanks for putting this video up. I used to teach the General Paper for the GCE ‘A’ levels and am now finding out more about teaching writing for IELTS. Based on my background, it seems like your current essay plan answers the question ‘What are the different solutions to encourage recycling’ rather than ‘To what extent are laws required to encourage recycling’. I feel that you have listed the different solutions rather than evaluated HOW FAR laws can work vs other social/ psychological solutions.
But of course, I am not familiar with the marking schemes for IELTS writing, perhaps the requirements are different.
Sorry so I guess my purpose for commenting is, whether based on your experience, do IELTS markers pay close attention to these key terms such as ‘How Far’ and ‘To what extent’, or are you not required to evaluate as long as you respond to the topic? Thanks.
It’s really helpful. I need the sample 50 answer book.
How can i get that?
Please help me…
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