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IELTS Listening Strategy – 5 Steps to a Higher Score

In this IELTS listening strategy video lesson, I discuss 5 steps that you can take to improve your IELTS listening score: predicting the topic, finding keywords, listening for synonyms and antonyms, always staying focused, and previewing instead of reviewing.

The sample test from this video can be found here:

Step 1: Predict the Topic

Look at the title and style of the test page to mentally prepare

Step 2: Find the Keywords in Each Question

In the IELTS listening test, highlighting key words can be very useful.

Step 3: Listen for Synonyms and Antonyms

Listen for different ways to say numbers, for example.

Step 4: Always Stay Focused

Step 5: Don’t Review. Preview!

That’s it for IELTS Listening Strategy!

If you follow these five strategies, your IELTS listening score will improve. They may seem simple, but IELTS listening strategy can be the difference between getting the score you need and missing it. For more IELTS listening lessons, click here.

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